RV Renovations, Round Two

When we finally got back north to spend some time with family, we immediately began renovating our main living area. What a difference those changes have made!

As we got closer to heading back north for the spring and summer months we knew there were a few things we wanted to change. Our main goal was to remove the dining booth that was original to the RV, but we also ended up taking on a few more projects.

The first thing we did was remove the door to the kids’ room. We found it to be in the way more often than not and it was such a pain. We replaced the door with two blackout curtains to give them some privacy when they need it.

The doorway to the kids'room

Next we removed the dining booth. We had removed the table support earlier this year and the kids had made the space their own elevated play area. This was wasted space since we couldn’t use it as a dining table, nor was it convenient storage for our needs.

Removing the dining booth

After removing the dining booth we proceeded to remove the valances over the windows, an idea that was inspired by our friends at Five2Go doing the very same thing to their motorhome while we were visiting them. I also picked out some new curtains from our local big box store to replace the blinds.

Removing the structures of the booth and the valances left some holes in the walls, so we decided to paint after filling the holes. We used leftover paint from my parents’ own renovations, which just so happened to match nicely with our new curtains.

Paint is done!

We also decided to remove our microwave, which we never use, and used the doors from the drawers under the old dining booth to close off the space where the microwave was. We plan on changing out all of the cabinet hardware so we don’t have anything on those doors at the moment.

It's not pretty but it works

In order to replace the seating and storage we lost when removing the dining booth, we built two 30″x15″ crates and one 15″x16″ crate out of pallet wood we got for free. My dad has a shop with all the woodworking tools we needed so building these crates was pretty easy, despite us not having done anything of the sort before (I’ll have a post about how we built them at a later date). We were also gifted a small, adjustable picnic table which we will use as our dining table.

We built the crates ourselves. They are the perfect seating and storage for us!

The best part about our new setup is that it’s movable. We can take the crates and table outside so the kids have the entire floor space to play, and inside we can move it all as needed to give space for food prep and eating our meals together. We’re planning at least one more round of renovations, so check back often to see what we’re up to!

We had a lot of fun completing these changes, and our living area is so much more functional than it used to be. What do you think of what we did? Do you like it? Would you have done something differently? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or additional comments for us, feel free to head on over to the Contact Us page.

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